Hello all…
Well, yet another blog in this place we call the Internet. In between all these things we do as humans – eat, sleep, work being three bigs ones – the third one was always an interesting battle for me. I am slightly opinionated (which is much akin to saying that Greenland gets chilly in the winter time…), and it seems that I always felt that the direction the company I was working for was either heading down a direction that I thought was wrong, or we were losing sight of the real focus of any Company – our clients.
Thus, in May of 2008, xLerate was borne…and now the devil I know is the devil in charge. Heaven help me…
So, with everything else, why start a blog? Well, for one – what the heck! There are many times I wish to parlay new ifnormation, or little tidbits about Salesforce.com (the CRM we surround ourselves with, both as users and implementation partners) that I want to pass along to others. There are times where I just want to blurt out something slightly silly, crazy, or just outright wierd about the world we live in. I have had other blogs, some named, some anonymous – I thought it was time to amalgamate.
Also, with my new toy – the iPhone (after 8 longs years as a blackberry user, I made the switch this week as the Blackberry Storm would not be released on the Rogers network here in Canada for the forseeable future), they have a WordPress app (the blog app of choice with me) so, while in the middle of travel and such, I figure I can post thoughts as well). So, we’ll see how this works out.
No major news today – just an introduction post. Keep safe all, and Carpe Diem!