Goldmine Exporting – Ah The Joys…

So, here we are, within a couple of weeks from Christmas and work is keeping us busy.  Completing an implementation which includes data migration from Goldmine.  As much as the application is good for what it does, i wonder what the designers were thinking – the data map for this application is like a dog’s breakfast.  I understand that it is a contact centric CRM (the primary contact is the key object, not the account as in most mid-size CRM applications), but the way they have the day going all over the place is an absolute nightmare.

The biggest area I ran into with Goldmine was pulling the secondary contacts into a list.  These are located with information in both CONTACT1, and CONTSUPP.  After a while of pulling my goutee (and yes, I tried the export wizard, but over 2000 associated contacts were missing).  So, after playing, I finally found a nice way to match them all.  Here is the SQL code I used…

select,, contsupp2.contsupref from contact1, contsupp, contsupp as contsupp2 where contsupp.rectype = ‘C’ and contact1.accountno = contsupp.accountno and contsupp.recid = contsupp2.linkacct order by,

You can add fields from each table as required for your import (the addresses, and I always utilize the recID…make sure it is from CONTSUPP for your secondary as a log of whom is in) and utilize this for your import.

Also tried the Apatar GM to SFDC mail app – this is still ongoing, so more on that another time…

Until next time…

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