Hello all,
Well, we find ourselves at the end of one year, and awaiting the birth of a new one. This is typically the time of year we traditionally reflect, and being to make resolutions and plans for the next year. I must admit, I have never been good at either, usually living too much in the moment to worry about the past or the future at a personal level. However, this year has been a good year, and maybe it’s the age creeping up on me, but it is nice to sit back and remember sometimes, no?
What happened this year??? Well…
1) My children have continue to amaze and bedazzle me – Jordan is now up to my shoulders at the age of 10, and is enjoying (and winning lots of medals) with highland dance. William as a six year old has enjoyed his time on the ice playing hockey, and has finally decided he wants to take power skating.
2) Steph, my lovely wife, was quite frightened in September. William was heading into Grade 1, and we have been lucky enough to have Steph be home with both kids during the kindergarten years. The seperation was scary, but she made it through, as did William. Also, in a move to look at heading back ito the work force, She took a Financial Accounting course, and completely aced it, ending up with 96 percent as her end mark!
3) Work wise, I left the realm of employee, and became employer. xLerate Consulting was borne in May, and has been very successful given it’s humble beginnings. Starting with a laptop, a home made website, and some faith from the men and women from salesforce.com, the business has been steadily increasing, with more and more clients…greater and greater challenges with each month. I am happy to say that I surpassed my expectations for the first seven months, and look forward to continue to grow the business over 2009.
Which brings us to that wonderful resolutions part of the end of a year. Well, how bout this. We could play the detail game, and get into weight, smoking, riches…goals to me are something that need to be set, but it is a personal matter. Now, don’t get me wrong – I will be making goals for xLerate (and all 18…and growing… of our clients can be happy with the fact that the number one goal is to continue to to give the highest level of customer and professional services, so that we may succeed with them). and these will be made public, but what is the likelyhood that those new years resolutions to cut out a glass of shiraz a week, and lose those 10 pounds is really going to be relevant. My main goal in life is my resolution. My resolution is to make a better mark on the world, both personally and professionally, then I have in the past. For those of you who make resolutions, I wish you all the best. And for those who don’t, there’s lots of room on my wagon…maybe with enough people we actually could make a large difference!
Take care all, and keep safe.